[Jacob-list] sorry to use the list for Thom but,

Edd Bissell bissell at usit.net
Thu Jan 11 08:47:37 EST 2001

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Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 08:12:09 -0500
To: "Thomas Simmons" <creagchild at monad.net>
From: Edd Bissell <bissell at usit.net>
Subject: Re: [Jacob-list] LGD in NY area

At 03:05 PM 1/6/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Edd -
>How does one get in touch with this nice lady????


Robyn Schultheis - 607-648-7889

      Edd Bissell = Hidden View Farm = Rare and Primitive Breed Animals
Scottish Blackface=Jacob=Barbados=Texas Dall=Navajo-Churro=Churro Hairsheep
     ====Tennessee Nervous Meat Goats =  = Great Pyrenees LGDs=====     
                  = www.eddbissell.com = 423-475-4844 =    
         1435 Collins Road - New Market, Tennessee U.S.A. 37820   

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