[Jacob-list] genetic defects

Mary McCracken mcmcc at ucinet.com
Wed Feb 28 07:07:48 EST 2001

My question is sheep related but not specifically Jacob sheep.  I have a
small group of Suffolks and Suffolk crosses for market lambs.  I bred them
to a ram from a suffolk breeder going out of business.  I'm beginning to
wonder WHY.  So far I've had six of his ewes lamb and three have had
'deformed' lambs.

The first was from a pure Suffolk who may be spider recessive.  The lamb had
an internal thing is seemed.  Rapid breathing from birth but apparently not
pneumonia...no congestion and no response to LA 200 or NuFlo.  Eventually I
made him comfortable and let he die.  He never really stood up but I
associated it with the internal problems.  Body now gone.

Next problem was a Suffolk cross ewe from another breeder.  She had
triplets.  One was dead when I arrived and I didn't do much scrutiny...but
still have that body and scrutiny will be in order today.  One seems fine
and the third has extra long back legs and hips that seem not to be aligned.
He struggles to nurse and prognosis is not real good.

Next a Suffolk cross ewe from yet another breeder miles from here.  She had
twins and one has FRONT legs that won't straighten to support her.  They are
extended forward and won't flex to standing position.  I had attributed the
flatness to lack of mothering with this young ewe.  After bottle colostrum
and encouragement in the jug I realized it was struggling to overcome
structural problems.

Three other rather pure Suffolks raised here have twinned with no problem

A few years ago I had a Suffolk ram from show stock who threw a spider baby
his second year here.  I didn't know about spider until then and almost
didn't learn about it then.  Vets and other lamb folks didn't identify it
but a friend found spider information and pictures on the Web.  That lamb
was a CLASSIC.  These are not classics for that look.  But I believe my home
grown ewe that had the spider baby was from the first year of breeding the
spider ram...to my best ewe...this lamb was magnificent and has produced
lovely lambs.  Hers was the bad breathing lamb that I didn't look at for
structure really and is now gone.

So.  I'm at a loss.  Would appreciate information or leads to information.


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