[Jacob-list] Triplets

linda wolfpen at rabun.net
Thu Feb 22 18:57:44 EST 2001

Thanks.  After all the rams I had last year I'm really excited to get a ewe lamb.  I have 
already tied my last year's ewe count with 6 more ewes to lamb. 
In this part of Georgia, the Jacob ram/ewe count is 10 rams and 1 ewe.  
I really find that the ewes very seldom need me around looking at my watch and grimacing.  I 
used to have a ewe that Dave swore waited, with crossed legs, until I would have to go to the 
house for more coffee before lambing. That ewe would deliver twins in the 10 minutes I would 
be gone!  But, then last year a lamb was born with the cord wrapped tightly around his neck.  
I could hear him gasping and it was very simple to just snap the cord.  This boy turned out to 
be quite ugly, but he did provide a number of tasty meals.  
Hope the next batch are ewes!

On Thu, 22 Feb 2001 14:15:29 +0800, Kelly Foster wrote:
>Congrats on your lambs!
>Lambing has started here too. We are rams 4, ewes 0. Rats!  We lost one of
>the lambs due to mom's inexperience.Too busy with the first to pay attention
>to the second. I was about 5 minutes late. Baby was still very warm but not
>out of the sack and try as I might I couldn't get him breathing. I have
>kicked myself many times but was told by another breeder that we should NOT
>have to stand over these girls. She's right.  Have a great day!     Kelly

Registered Jacob Sheep
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