[Jacob-list] Triplets

Kelly Foster maplelanehmstd at dialpoint.net
Thu Feb 22 01:15:29 EST 2001

Congrats on your lambs!
Lambing has started here too. We are rams 4, ewes 0. Rats!  We lost one of
the lambs due to mom's inexperience.Too busy with the first to pay attention
to the second. I was about 5 minutes late. Baby was still very warm but not
out of the sack and try as I might I couldn't get him breathing. I have
kicked myself many times but was told by another breeder that we should NOT
have to stand over these girls. She's right.  Have a great day!     Kelly
    -----Original Message-----
    From: linda <wolfpen at rabun.net>
    To: sbennett at teleport.com <sbennett at teleport.com>;
jacob-list at jacobsheep.com <jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
    Date: Friday, February 23, 2001 1:31 AM
    Subject: Re: [Jacob-list] Triplets

    I'm just in from the barn where RubyBelle delivered twins.  I'm afraid
that I will have to disagree with you or maybe I just misundersood.  The
first lamb was born and the "heavy cord" which was attached to the placenta
was hanging out.  RubyBelle began her cleaning process (and it is a EWE!!!!)
and about 15 minutes later the next water bag appeared and the next lamb (a
ram, this time) was born.  At that point, both cords were hanging out. About
30 minutes later, the afterbirths were expelled.

    I've seen that particular sequence a number of times.  I've also seen
waterbag, lamb, waterbag, lamb and then the afterbirth.  A neighbor just had
twin borns, each come out with the waterbag - no lapse at all.

    PW Lorraine delivered a beautiful lamb a few days ago, even if it is a
ram.  These Jacob lambs never cease to amaze me.  They are bouncing within a
few minutes.  Lorraine was becoming quite frustrated when she was trying to
clean Truman and he would not be still! He was up and chasing her udder but
she insisted that he finish his bath first.


    On Thu, 22 Feb 01 05:47:15 -0800, sbennett wrote:
    >Yes, there is a way to tell if they're going to have more kids/lambs.
    >After the first is born, if there is a heavy cord hanging out, it is
    >attached to the placenta and that is all. If there is a very small
    >or no cord, another water bag and baby will follow.
    >Debbie Bennett
    >Feral Fibre
    >>is there any way to know whether to have to look for more?  I hate to
    >>checking out every poor ewe that has delivered just because I thought
    >>looked big.
    >Jacob-list mailing list
    >Jacob-list at jacobsheep.com

    Registered Jacob Sheep

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