[Jacob-list] goats

Mark Essen messen at socket.net
Mon Feb 5 19:57:30 EST 2001

I have found that intensively managed paddocks have a lot less of this type of problem.  My Jacobs sheep and pygmy goats both will eat young shoots of thistle.  I do not have any milk weed in these paddocks, so I do not know how tasty they are.  I have had thistle pop up and get eaten.  I have also put many different animals in pens with mature thistle and nothing even gets close.
Mark Essen
Famous Acres
6701 County Road 353
Fulton, Mo.  65251
messen at socket.net
Jacobs 4-Horn Sheep, Pygmy Goats, Pyrenees, Peafowl, Highland Cattle, Yak, Emu, Fallow Deer, Zebu Cattle all living together in the Kingdom of Callaway
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