[Jacob-list] Re: Computer News

ISENFAEL at aol.com ISENFAEL at aol.com
Mon Dec 10 22:22:14 EST 2001

We received the same virus message just a few days ago.  Luckily we also 
received the following message confirming that this was a hoax virus.  Hope 
this catches people in time before deleting this file.

> According to F Secure the SULFNBK.EXE virus warning is a hoax. Here is what
> they say.
> Hoax Warnings
>   Alphabetical Index
> Select from the list Letter A Letter B Letter C Letter D Letter E Letter F
> Letter G Letter H Letter I Letter J Letter K Letter L Letter M Letter N
> Letter O Letter P Letter Q Letter R Letter S Letter T Letter U Letter V
> Letter W Letter X Letter Y Letter Z Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Number 4
> Number 5 Number 6 Number 7 Number 8 Number 9 Number 0 Other Latest 50
> NAME: Sulfnbk.exe virus hoax
> ALIAS: Long File Name Backup utility virus hoax
> In April-May 2001 there appeared a hoax message concerning a new virus that
> was reportedly discovered in Windows' Long File Name Backup utility
> SULFNBK.EXE. We checked several versions of this utility from Windows
> installations and found no infection in it. Here's the original hoax
> message:
> ---Begin Hoax Text -------------------------------------------
> Instructions to find and delete it.
> 1. Start and got to Find Files. Type the name: SULFNBK.EXE
> 2. If it is there, open Windows Explorer, look for the file
> where you found it, and then delete. Don't left click and don't
> open it even if there is a fire, o.k.?
> 3. Just delete it.
> 4. Mine was in Windows/Command.
> 5. The person who passed this warning to me found it in
> Windows/Config.
> And Norton did not discover it...
> ---End Hoax Text -------------------------------------------
> Please ignore this hoax and don't pass it on.
> It should be noted that Magistr virus-worm can choose SULFNBK.EXE file as
> its victim, infect it and send it out. So if you find this file attached to
> an e-mail message please delete it, never run the attachment.
> Thanks to R.Engelander for the translation of this hoax.
> There are 2 minor variants of this hoax:
> ---Begin Hoax Text -------------------------------------------
> Dear everyone:  Sorry about this, but it seems that there is a
> nasty virus going around, but you can fix it if you act fast.
> Please act URGENTLY. The virus could be in your computer files
> now, dormant but will become active on June 1. Please follow
> directions below to check if you have it and to remove it now. I
> found it and removed it today.
> It was brought to my attention today that a virus is in
> circulation via email. I looked for it and to my surprise I
> found it on mine. Please follow the directions and remove it
> from yours NOW!!!!!
> I do not know how long it has been on my computer, but no Virus
> software can detect it. It will become active on 1 June 2001. It
> might be too late by then. It wipes out all files and folders on
> the hard drive. This virus travels thru E-mail and migrates to
> the 'C:\windows\command' folder. To find it and get rid of it
> off of your computer, do the following.
> Go to the "START" button.
> Go to "FIND" or "SEARCH"
> Make sure the find box is searching the "C:" drive.
> Type in; SULFNBK.EXE
> Begin search.
> If it finds it, highlight it.
> Go to 'File' and delete it.
> Close the find Dialog box
> Open the Recycle Bin
> Find the file and delete it from the Recycle bin
> You should be safe.
> The bad part is: You need to contact everyone you have sent ANY
> E-mail to in the past few months. Many major companies have
> found this virus on their computers. Please help your friends
> !!!!!!!!
> Do not rely on your anti-virus software. McAfee and Norton
> cannot detect it because it does not become a virus until June
> 1st.
> Whatever you do, do not open the file!!!
> ---End Hoax Text -------------------------------------------
> The second variant:
> ---Begin Hoax Text -------------------------------------------
> It will become activate on June 1st and will delete all files
> and folders on the hard drive.  No Anti-Virus software can
> detect it because it doesn't become a VIRUS  until 1/6/2001. It
> travels through the e-mail and migrate to your computer. To find
> it please follow the following directions:
> Go To "START" button
> Go to "Find" or "Search"
> Go to files and folders
> Make sure to search in drive C
> Type in; SULFNBK.EXE
> Begin Search
> If it finds it, highlight it and delete it
> Close the dialogue box
> Open the Recycle Bin
> Find the file and delete it from the Recycle Bin
> You should be safe.
> The bad part is you need to contact everyone you sent ANY e-mail
> to in  the past few months.  Many major companies have found
> this virus on their computers. Whatever you do, DO NOT open the
> file.
> ---End Hoax Text -------------------------------------------
> If you receive these hoax messages, please ignore them.
> [Description created: May-August 2001]

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