[Jacob-list] 4h & Jacobs
J Thomas
shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 27 13:04:39 EDT 2001
My kids are Cloverbuds (ages 4 - 8) They can show at
small 4H local shows, but only in showmanship classes,
only with ewes or wethers. I don't believe any rams
are allowed at our 4H shows. The Cloverbuds can show
sheep, goats, and horses, but not cows until they are
Good luck sorting things out.
Joy T.
--- "Black, Tiar and Jason"
<theblacks at interisland.net> wrote:
> I thought that I had sent this to the entire list -
> sorry for the repost Betty....
> The rule does not apply to open class sheep just 4H
> and it was imposed by the 4H people not the fair
> board so I am not sure what they are thinking. It
> could have something to do with the old ram that
> Betty Heiman used to bring to the fair - he was mean
> when he was young and maybe that's what they are
> thinking about - who knows. I guess I had better not
> tell them that he is the father to all of our lambs
> this year : > Anyway we would like our daughters to
> participate in 4H but we do not raise the big sheep
> anymore and I really don't want to get back into
> them - much to my husbands dismay. He is a butcher
> and likes the meat qualities but I truly believe
> that "when they bred the meat in they bred the
> brains out" ( to quote my own words). Sorry if I
> offended anyone who does raise the big guys - they
> just aren't for me and I love my Jacobs. You can bet
> that I will be checking out other counties and I
> will certainly turn in my findings to our leaders
> council and fix this once and for all. She really
> can't show until she is in 3rd grade and she is just
> going into 2nd right now so I have plenty of time to
> fix it. Thank you all for your responses. You have
> given me the answers I needed (and wanted ) : >
> Thanks again
> Tiar Black
> ZLazyJ Farm
> Friday Harbor Wa
Joy Thomas, Son-Rise Farm
Home of Jacob Sheep
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