[Jacob-list] Re: Showing Jacobs

Grose NLGrose at Yadtel.net
Mon Aug 27 09:52:09 EDT 2001

Several years ago, I was stunned to have a Jacob ram lamb place first in his wool class at the Southeastern Animal Fiber Festival. Concerned, I spoke to the judge and urged her to go ahead and place something else up. I was assured that the ram was indeed a good example of a Jacob ram. It is key to have a judge that is familiar  with the breed and show in a suitable venue. Card grading is well fine and good, but you need to realize that there are some aspects of  any breed that are not judged in a show ring. Reproductive efficiency, milk production, and mothering ability  are as crucial to Jacob sheep as horns, and are not judged. I have raised Holstein cows for 40 years, and showed calves as a 4-Her. It is one of the best things we can get kids to do, and the fitting and showmanship classes have justifiably been raised to higher status in recent years. Keep in mind that the Ayrshire breed is now for all practical purposes a defunct breed because the primary selection in the breed for the last 40 years has been for showring success. There were almost as many Ayrshires as Holsteins shown at the World Dairy Expo last year, despite the fact that Holsteins consitute over 95% of the dairy cows in the country and Ayrshires are less than 1/2 of 1%.
                                    Neal Grose
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