[Jacob-list] 4H Fair showing

J Thomas shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 26 09:31:12 EDT 2001

We also have a rule at our 4H Shows that ANY animal
that is uncontrollable or aggressive toward other
animals and/or people will be asked to leave the show
ring and at the discretion of judge and show committee
asked to leave the fairgrounds. 

This is to encourage the exhibitors to spend time with
their animals to gentle them for showing.

I loved the post about bringing llamas, mini horses
and alpacas (SP?) next year!  I think you should
expose others to the newer breeds.  There was a large
llama show at the NC State Fair last year! The future
State Fair showers have to start somewhere!

Have a super weekend all!

Joy T.

Joy Thomas, Son-Rise Farm
Home of Jacob Sheep

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