[Jacob-list] Jacob lilac question

WenlochFrm at aol.com WenlochFrm at aol.com
Fri Aug 3 17:40:31 EDT 2001

Does anyone else out there have, or know of, a grey/brown lilac with black 
leg spotting, or any other black spotting for that matter?

Joan Franklin

Subj:   Re: Jacob lilac question    
Date:   8/3/01 1:06:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time 
From:    dpsponen at vt.edu (Phil Sponenberg)
To:    WenlochFrm at aol.com
>Dear Dr. Sponenberg,
>I have a Jacob lilac ewe(grey brown) with black leg spotting. A few
>knowledgeable Jacob breeders are telling me this is not possible, and that it
>is just very dark spotting on the legs. I have looked at these spots from
>every angle until I'm going a little dotty looking at them. They are not
>dark, they are ink black. I don't know a lot about the "melanin" sisters,
>pheo and eu, so my first question is, is it possible pheo can disguise itself
>(at least to the naked eye) as black? And, the second question, why is it
>supposed to be impossible to have both pheo and eu on the same Jacob ewe? My
>real question is, why am I being told what I'm seeing is not what I'm seeing?
>I would appreciate your help. Thanks.
>Joan Franklin

Can't help with why you are told you are not seeing what you are seeing.

Lilacs are funny, since it seems that everyone's lilac is a little 
bit different from everyone else's. So - I just suspect you ended up 
with a slightly different mechanism for lilac than some of the others.


D. Phillip Sponenberg, DVM, PhD
Director of Student Affairs
Professor, Pathology and Genetics
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA  24061

e-mail: dpsponen at vt.edu
phone: 1-540-231-4805
fax:   1-540-231-6033

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