[Jacob-list] Shetland breeders

Edd Bissell bissell at usit.net
Thu Apr 19 07:36:16 EDT 2001

I kept 3 ewes from the Shetland flock that I put on here last month for 
sale - Luther Hardy is getting one ewe [red color] that has sort of 
gray/blue eyes instead of auburn - I have never had any experience with 
this breed before - but I have a grandson and without anything to feed I 
though these would be a good breed and the price was right - So all three 
of the ewes produced night before last - and what cute little - and I mean 
LITTLE lambs - and they have very little tails - Just thought I could at 
least brag about something since I have no Jacobs lambs to talk about for 
the first time in over 20 years.


Edd Bissell
New Market, Tn.

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