[Jacob-list] Anita's old "Why I like Jacobs"

Edd Bissell bissell at usit.net
Thu Sep 21 17:25:46 EDT 2000

Someone on this list = maybe Mark - has it somewhere - I like the recent
posts on Jacobness, diversity, conservation, preservation - and since I have
overdone this sort of stuff in the past am leaving it to youall now.  BUT
all of the newcomers owe it to themselves and some of the "oldtimers" also
to reread what she wrote YEARS ago - seems as if this is a timely piece for
the past few days posts bring up exactly what she said long ago. 

      Edd Bissell = Hidden View Farm = Rare and Primitive Breed Animals
Scottish Blackface=Jacob=Barbados=Texas Dall=Navajo-Churro=Churro Hairsheep
     ====Tennessee Nervous Meat Goats =  = Great Pyrenees LGDs=====     
                  = eddbissell.com = 423-475-4844 =    
         1435 Collins Road - New Market, Tennessee U.S.A. 37820   

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