[Jacob-list] New Registry, etc.

Jim Spahr spahrfarm at dragonbbs.com
Thu Sep 21 11:25:51 EDT 2000

I just browsed the new AJSR website.  I was surprised to see a third registry formed.  It seems their philosophy is that if it is not crossbred, it can be registered.  I agree with Linda B. that most of us, out of necessity, practice some sort of selection within our flocks.  How can we retain or find buyers for all lambs produced?  I feel that in our flock we are maintaining genetic diversity through our ewes ( around 60 ), while being more discriminating where our flock sires and rams sold for breeding to other flocks are concerned.
I think that Dr. Lincicome has brought up a valid point concerning showing Jacobs.  The last thing that most of us want to see happen is the development of a Jacob to just fit the showring.  What about a card graded show?  Would a show conducted in this manner really be detrimental to the breed?  
Has anyone else received their new JSBA guidebook?  They contain a lot of information, including a new membership list.

                                                                               Mary Spahr
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