[Jacob-list] goats

Edd Bissell bissell at usit.net
Tue Sep 5 08:04:38 EDT 2000

At 07:46 AM 9/5/00 -0400, you wrote:
>My one and only experience with goats and sheep in the same pens was during
>breeding season and it was a Nubian involved-----not a SINGLE EWE got bred
>until we got rid of the goat.  Late lambs that year!

I ahve always found sheep and goats PERFECT companion animals - do not
compete for the same food in any pasture and I have had sheep and goats
together forever.  Interesting line though because I have never had people
question problems with running them together.

      Edd Bissell = Hidden View Farm = Rare and Primitive Breed Animals
Scottish Blackface=Jacob=Barbados=Texas Dall=Navajo-Churro=Churro Hairsheep
     ====Tennessee Nervous Meat Goats =  = Great Pyrenees LGDs=====     
                  = bissell at usit.net = 423-475-4844 =    
         1435 Collins Road - New Market, Tennessee U.S.A. 37820   

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