[Jacob-list] goats

sbennett sbennett at teleport.com
Mon Sep 4 10:06:48 EDT 2000

My experience with goats being aggressive towards the sheep has been at 
graining time only. Teaching the goats to eat in one area (or out of 
certain feeders) while the adjacent ones belong to the sheep, solved the 
problem. It takes about two weeks of monitoring at feeding time for the 
goats to get in the habit of eating in a certain place. Whoever was 
eating in wrong place, got tapped on the rear, or forcibly moved, when 
necessary. The sheep still play musical feeders among themselves, but 
tend to stay away from the goats.

Debbie Bennett
Feral Fibre

>My biggest problem with goats (and why I finally sold them off) was 
>that they were so aggressive towards the sheep.  It would probably 
>have been better if I'd kept more goats so that they would have been 
>more of a herd. Perhaps then they would have established a pecking 
>order within their own species.   As it was, the goats broke horns on 
>the sheep, knocked pregnant ewes to the ground, and injured a ewe 
>lamb so badly that she will probably always limp.
>I had Nubians and never saw any lice.  

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