[Jacob-list] Llama in the Thicket

Pavel pavel314 at home.com
Thu Jul 6 10:43:04 EDT 2000

Last weekend we finished fencing the area we call "Pasture Four", a
field which is being invaded by saplings creeping in from the forest
behind the back fence. The idea is for the sheep to chew down the trees,
making the area easier to clear up so that we get more grazing land.
They do a good job at chewing up trees so we figured we'd use their
strange tastes to our advantage.

Monty, our new guard llama, is fascinated by the little trees. He loves
to wander through them, pushing them aside, exploring what's under
there. Sometimes, he stands in the middle of a thicket, only his head
visible over the tops of the little trees. 

He came from a farm with extensive pastures and I think the only trees
he's ever seen are large, mature trees. These saplings are a novelty to
him. I've noticed that whenever we put him into a new area, he explores
his new territory very carefully, as opposed to the sheep which stop at
the first edible thing they find.

Paul Intihar
Rainbow Farm
Joppa, Maryland
Website: http://members.home.net/rbfarm/

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