[Jacob-list] advertising and Bob

iseespots iseespots at email.msn.com
Thu Dec 14 08:19:02 EST 2000

Hi all,

Bob Hesselgesser (think that is how it would be spelled) is also persistent.
He is good at what he does.  He is personable and quick to suggest other
alternatives when we have had questions to fire back in his direction.  I
like him, and over the years have gotten quite used to hearing him on my
answering machine or over the phone.  When he retires from that job, I will
miss him and won't be as quick to consider putting in an ad as I have built
up a "comfort level" with him and his paper.

I agree most heartily with Edd's comment on the need to be "out there" with
your message.  Advertising dollars are always something to be questioned as
to their effectiveness.  Most of the time, we cannot measure the impact a
particular advertisement might have on our business.  How many of us buy
from the "first person we find"?  We often look for something that has been
around, knows what it is doing, and a name that has become familiar to us
from one angle or another.  Advertising is just one of those means to that

Mary Ellen
ISeeSpots Farm www.iseespots.com
Home of Jacob Sheep, and German Angora Rabbits,
colored German Angora crosses and a few French.
Renewable fleeces, loving personalities, friends.

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