[Jacob-list] Diversity

Wayne & Edie Van Valkenburg joyew at mindspring.com
Fri Dec 8 11:28:30 EST 2000

Here is some ramblings on this wonderful breed "Jacob".
These are my observations over the last 20 years of being close to this
breed and the people that are drawn to them.
First we are drawn to them because they are different. The diversity and
uniqueness is what makes them the breed they are and has stood the test
of time.  Their resistance to disease and all the qualities that also
contributed to their longevity.
When all of us become involved with raising them we bring a special set
of circumstances to facto in.
We all have different viewpoints of what makes a Jacob.  The breed
standards of the breed associations.  The flocks that we have seen.  Our
own ideas of what we want our flock to represent,  this is a big one.
Many of our idea are in our total being and we do not realize we are
breed toward and idea in our head, This is a very subjective avenue.
but it factors in to the look of the flock.  Our management and breeding
choices.  They all come in to play.
Those on the west coast look a bit different from those on the east
This diversity is what makes up an unimproved breed.  Do we want clones?

In striving for the perfect Jacob that fits the ideal breed standard
WHAT ARE WE LOSING   We must be guardians of the breed so that the
pendulum doe not sing to far in either direct.
We must retain the diversity and still cull what nature would have-
genetic defect.
Preserve the hardiness and mothering and mutilples and yet keep enough
of the beauty to be able to market what we need.
This is quite a plateful of responsibility for a serious Jacob Breeder.
Edie, Joy Farm

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