[Jacob-list] AGM & Sheep Swaps

Jim Spahr spahrfarm at dragonbbs.com
Thu Dec 7 11:56:48 EST 2000

How interesting that the USDA funded research on blends of Jacob wool for commercial sale as Gary mentioned.  I have had it blended with English angora, kid mohair, dog hair, alpaca, and llama.  All the blends spin up nicely, but then so does 100 percent Jacob.  I would love to know the results of their research, but won't be able to attend the AGM in Calif.
Robin has a great idea about sheep swaps.  I have saved an article that I found in a sheep magazine several years ago titled, The Great Sheep Fairs of Britain.  There is a photo of a pen of Jacob sheep and the caption says, "Autumn sheep fairs are probably the oldest events on the rural calandar in the United Kingdom.  Here at Alwinton, in northeast England, farmers and stockmen gather for the annual Border shepherds' sheep fair."  It goes on to say that even primitive pastoral societies, not yet at the stage of crop growing, found it necessary to meet in the autumn with their neighbors to exchange breeding livestock and surplus lambs.  

                                                                               Maryb Spahr 
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