[Jacob-list] 2001 JSBA Annual Meeting

Anderson, Gary B. GBAnderson at UCDavis.Edu
Wed Dec 6 15:40:31 EST 2000

The 2001 JSBA Annual Meeting will be hosted by George and Marilyn Brown from
Lodi, CA.  I am assisting with organization of the educational program.
Thank you to List subscribers who responded to a previous request for input
on the type of program that would entice members to make the trip to sunny
California.  Official information on the meeting will be distributed by JSBA
in early 2001; this message is intended as a 'heads-up' to circle the date
on your calendar and to start making plans to attend.

The meeting will be held Saturday, June 9, and anyone interested in Jacob
sheep is invited to attend.  The program still is tentative, but I want to
provide a flavor of what to expect.  The morning session will begin with the
business meeting, which will be followed by a fleece competition (being
organized by Robin Lynde).  A professional wool processor will be available
either to make a formal presentation or for discussion/demonstration on
taking a raw fleece to a usable product.  The person who has been invited
has conducted USDA-funded research on blends of Jacob wool for commercial
sale.  Formal presentations in the afternoon will include Sheep Health (Dr.
Joan Rowe, an OPP expert), Obstetrics at Lambing (Dr. Bob BonDurant), Sheep
Reproductive Management (Mr. Martin Dally), Genetic Considerations in
Conservation of Rare Sheep Breeds (Dr. Eric Bradford), and DNA Analysis for
Parentage and Genetic Typing in Jacob Sheep (Dr. Cecilia Penedo).

The social program will include California wine tasting, music, a BBQ
(probably lamb), and plenty of opportunity to talk informally about Jacob
sheep.  Discussions are underway with local 4-Hers to provide oversight of
younger attendees not interested in the formal program.  Accommodations will
be available for breeders who want to bring sheep for display, swapping and
sale (advance reservations likely will be expected).  Space will be
available to display and sell Jacob wool and other products.  A
Sunday-morning breakfast will send members traveling home on a full belly.

Information on lodging and transportation, and website addresses for others
things to do as family vacation in California (e.g., movie star stalking,
surfing) will be available later.  For now...circle June 9 on your
calendars, and make plans to attend next year's meeting!

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