[Jacob-list] cooking lamb

CARL FOSBRINK carlfosbrink at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 4 20:49:53 EST 2000

   I eat a lot of lamb, Jacob, and find it very good.
I have always been told to never cook it in it's own
grease. I have a six quart crockpot that I put roasts
and leg of lambs in, put potatoes and carrots around
it, then fill with water and slow cook for six to
eight hours. When it is done I pour all the water off
and it is delicious. For lamb chops, steaks and
lambburger, I cook them on a George Forman Grill. It
doesn't take but about 5 to 7 minutes to cook them and
all the grease runs out into a small container to
dispose of. A local processer makes the bologna and
sausage and hichory smokes it. It is very good also.
I'm sure others will give you more ideas.

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