[Jacob-list] Neck / mane /

edd bissell bissell at usit.net
Thu Apr 27 17:15:01 EDT 2000

I think I just sent Mary's question about mane back to the sender and not the list.  Luther and I have talked in the past about this - and we think it came in with the English/Hescock importation.  I have never really noticed it in the early years - Mary Ellen, look in those old pictures that I sent to you and see if you can see any on some of the ewes!!  I know that sounds strange but do remember seeing some of them with a neck ruff - maybe not the excess hair type mane but at least extra growth.  I never did get a ram from Mazie but Luther and I bought 20 ewes - and I used one ram from Janine - which was from S. Davies - fairly pure Hescock.  Also Bill Jones would be a good person to ask about it since he has Hescock, Fenton [Rockefeller], and Leaseu - all going back to the Scottish Importation Also the mane seems to be a hair instead of wool growth. 
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