[Jacob-list] rams chasing pregnant ewes

wolfpen wolfpen at alltel.net
Tue Apr 18 07:13:15 EDT 2000

Thanks Royal,

The rams I am talking about are 5 weeks old.  I do separate my rams from the ewes before lambing.  Mostly because the adult rams have a way of being in the way when I'm trying to do anything with the ewes.  I've never separated the ewes with lambs from the ones yet to lamb, but then I haven't had the wide spread in lambing dates that I have this year.  I guess I'll think into starting to do that.  It would certainly make feeding easier.  I creep feed the lambs, but before they go the creep feeder, they do their best to eat all the ewes' rations. 

I do notice the lambs sniffing around a ewe right before she lambs.  And the lambs will chase anything that runs.  So it may just be that this particular ewe (who is a rather odd personality) is just more prone to run which excites the lambs into chasing her.

Well, thanks everyone for the info.  I've got them separated now and am hoping no damage was done.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Royal D. Unzicker 
  To: jacob-list at jacobsheep.com 
  Sent: 17 April, 2000 8:04 PM
  Subject: [Jacob-list] rams chasing pregnant ewes

  Several years ago I took a sheep husbandry course.  One of things we 
  were told was that a ewe close to lambing gives off a scent similar to a 
  ewe in heat and that rams may, indeed, be very interested in her. I have 
  seen this happen in my flock sometimes but certainly not alot. Perhaps 
  it varies from ewe to ewe. I once had a ram try to mount a ewe whose 
  water bag was out.  That did it for me. I keep the rams separate from 
  all ewes and I keep the ewes who have lambed separate from the ewes who 
  have not lambed. Although that is mainly for feeding purposes. 

  Jacob-list mailing list
  Jacob-list at jacobsheep.com

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