[Jacob-list] 2/4 Horn Heritability

Royal D. Unzicker runzicker at erols.com
Sun Apr 16 19:18:56 EDT 2000

Hi from Pa,
I am curious if anyone is aware of any studies etc on the heritability 
of 2/4 horns.  I used only 4 horned rams for the first time this year. 
It's too early to really tell, but so far it appears that most of my 4 
horned lambs have inherited their sire's (good) horn set.  I have not 
noticed a significant increase in the number of 4 horned lambs the first 
year.  If 4 horned rams are consistently mated with 4 horned ewes, how 
many years/generations might it take to consistently get 4 horned 
offspring? Or doesn't it ever happen?
It has been interesting to see the results of crossing 4 H ram with 4 H 
ewe, 4 H ram with 2 H ewe, 2 H ram witrh 4 H ewe, and 2 H ram with with 
2 H ewe.  
Edd, I believe several days ago you mentioned someone who had/used to 
have a flock of Jacobs with, for the most part, good horn sets, 4 
horned, I believe.  I forget who you said it was.  I'm curious how they 
"got" them.
I know this isn't a life and death matter but for some reason I just 
find it facinating.  I haven't been a subscriber to the list for too 
long so if this has already been hashed and rehashed, sorry.  In any 
case, I thoroughly enjoy the list, the differences of opinion as well as 
what issues you are interested in. As a green horn (neither 2 or 4) JSBA 
board I feel I have learned so much from this group. It is especially 
interesting to hear from people in other parts of the country/world.

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