[Jacob-list] Triplets

Mary McCracken mcmcc at ucinet.com
Sat Apr 15 18:04:53 EDT 2000

Triplets here.  Two girls and a boy.  All have done well and are about weaning age.  I didn't know it was unusual.  She has twinned the past two years.

mary mccrackem
RedWing Farm 
La Grande, OR
    -----Original Message-----
    From: edd bissell <bissell at usit.net>
    To: Jim Spahr <spahrfarm at dragonbbs.com>; Jacob List Members <jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
    Date: Saturday, April 15, 2000 8:57 AM
    Subject: Re: [Jacob-list] Triplets
        We have not had triplets from our Jacob ewes in 12 yrs.  We sold an older ewe once, and the new owner said she had triplets.  We have lots of twins, and I must confess that I would rather not have triplets and take a chance that one become a bottle-fed lamb.  I know there are triplet Jacobs born in the U.S., but doubt that it is very common.
                                                                       Mary Spahr
        I had a set of triplets this years - nice primitive ewe/Katahdin cross ram [mistake!!!] = this is the exception in the older type Jacobs.  But triplets were VERY common when I have the flock of Hescock Jacobs.  Thus making me think the Dorsett influence in the British background had something to do with common multiple births.  and in my case grain/extra feed influence has nothing do to with multiple births since I do from none to very little.
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