[ARGUS] Argus and 40gb

Mike Iglesias iglesias at uci.edu
Thu Feb 20 18:02:23 EST 2020

Is anyone using Argus with 40gb interfaces?  We're looking at redoing our
border at 40gb (or maybe 100gb), so we'd need to handle the traffic.  We're
not doing anything fancy with Argus, just pulling the connection info and
dropping it into a file.  We do some simple reports nightly, and mostly keep
the data for forensics in case of an incident where we want to see if data
left the campus, what a compromised system talked to, etc.

Mike Iglesias                          Email:       iglesias at uci.edu
University of California, Irvine       phone:       949-824-6926
Office of Information Technology       FAX:         949-824-2270

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