A couple of labeling questions/issues...

Craig Merchant cmerchant at responsys.com
Sat Mar 9 18:14:46 EST 2013

Hey, Carter...  I've been testing the labeling functionality and trying to investigate further the country code issue I posted about earlier in the week.

I'm currently using the delegated-ipv4-latest file that is included with the client.  I've noticed that Argus isn't finding a country code match for our public IP range.  I'd like to add those ranges to the delegated-ipv4-latest, but I'm not sure what the format is.  Is there any way to make the file recognize a subnet mask?  I notice that the entry for isn't causing the country codes for my internal networks to show up as "ZZ".    What do the numbers in the second and third to last columns represent?


Is it possible to use the MaxMind GeoIP database for country codes instead of the iana file?  I compiled the clients with GeoIP support.  The ralabel.conf file says the GEOIP labels will be saved as scity,dcity,icity.  I've tried adding those fields to my searches and nothing shows up.  I looked through rarc.print.all.conf to see if I could find a field in there that looked related to GeoIP data, but nothing popped out at me.  I'm using the same GeoLiteCity.dat file that we use on our Splunk server.  The GeoIP part of my ralabel.conf is:


I've tried using the -M label="regex" option, but the regex never seems to match.

ralabel -S -f /usr/local/argus/ralabel.conf -n -u -c "," -s +sco,+dco,+label:200 -M label="blacklisted", for example, doesn't match the following events:

1362868911.000236, e s      ,tcp,,39935, ->,,25,2,148,REQ,pu,bl,saddr=public,DC2,Outbound:daddr=DE,blacklisted
1362868911.000282, e s      ,tcp,,56477, ->,,25,2,148,REQ,pu,bl,saddr=public,DC2,Outbound:daddr=DE,blacklisted
1362868912.000211, e s      ,tcp,,44177, ->,,25,2,148,REQ,pu,bl,saddr=public,DC2,Outbound:daddr=DE,blacklisted
1362868913.000465, e s      ,tcp,,42282, ->,,25,2,148,REQ,pu,bl,saddr=public,DC2,Outbound:daddr=DE,blacklisted

The events above also show the issue with country codes.  I'm noticing a few things...  The erroneous country codes are always a pair of letters found somewhere in the label, but I don't see any pattern as to which letters are used.  If I disable the iana label file in ralabel.conf, country codes display normally.  If a country code is found for both a source and destination, one of the country codes is always incorrect, but the country code is properly displayed in the label field:

1362869594.000036, e        ,udp,,53, ->,,53,1,70,INT,pu,US,saddr=US,public,DC1,mta-external:daddr=US
1362869594.000036, e        ,udp,,53, ->,,53,1,68,INT,pu,AN,saddr=US,public,DC1,mta-external:daddr=AN

In the first set of events, both country codes are incorrect (dest code not shown).  In the events above, the destination code is shown correctly.  I have noticed that if, as above, the has its sco field displayed incorrectly, it will also have its dco field displayed incorrectly when it is the destination of a flow.

If there is no label for a source or destination, the country code for that host will be empty:

1362866671.000438, e        ,udp,,42492,<->,,53,4,1260,CON,,dn,daddr=internal,DC4,SP1--Apache,dns,ext-DC4

I enabled label support and radium and ran the same query as above, except with ra.  The issue with the country codes is the same as when I run the searches with ralabel.  Radium has a fairly significant memory leak when labels are enabled.

Let me know if you would like me to send you any binary flow files or my iana label file.


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