Argus conversion v2 to v3?

unFrigidaire Américain frigidaire.americain at
Tue Jun 25 11:30:42 EDT 2013

Hello Carter,

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 4:58 PM, Carter Bullard <carter at> wrote:
> So, need to see the file to debug.  Can you share the file?  If you
> don't want to email it, you can ftp it up to the blind repository
>  Any file that shows the same behavior
> would be great...

Thanks for you help Carter!
I generated an anonymized dump and uploaded it on your FTP server.

> You have a problem with your call to ra() when trying to use raconvert().
> The start time field is "stime".   You should provide enough fields
> so raconvert() can generate the start and stop times properly, and generate
> the basic metrics. Be sure and add the "ltime" or "dur", and also provide
> spkts, dpkts, sbytes and dbytes fields, so that we have all the basic
> bi-directional flow metrics.  We don't have a pkts or bytes field in
> argus records, we have src and dst packets and bytes.
> Also, the argus.ascii output needs to be comma separated.
>   $ ./2.0.6/bin/ra -c, -unns stime dur flgs proto saddr sport dir daddr
> dport \
>      state spkts dpkts sbytes dbytes status -r argus.log > argus.ascii
>   $ ./3.0.6/bin/raconvert -r argus.ascii
> Is that better?

Unfortunately, ra 2.x neither supports these field names, nor the -c option.

$ ra --version
Ra Version 2.0.6.fixes.1
         -s [-][+[#]]field  specify fields to print.
                   fields:  startime, lasttime, count, dur, avgdur,
                            saddr, daddr, proto, sport, dport, ipid,
                            stos, dtos, sttl, dttl, bytes, sbytes, dbytes,
                            pkts, spkts, dpkts, load, loss, rate,
                            srcid, ind, mac, dir, jitter, status, user,
                            win, trans, seq, vlan, mpls.
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