mysql database changes - new patch

CS Lee geek00l at
Sat Oct 13 03:44:01 EDT 2012

hi Carter,

On the other hand, is that possible to change stime data type from double
to integer during the auto table generation from rasqlinsert, currently I
can only change for saddr sport daddr dport which you have coded in.

On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 11:04 PM, CS Lee <geek00l at> wrote:

> hi Carter,
> It's a trade off because I'm not keeping argus primitive data, I'm trying
> to minimize the fields I need to keep already ;)
> This is just the starting work of handling 10G with mysql, my plan is to
> have mysql handling first hand data, then sync them with hadoop/hive to
> perform big data analysis. Nothing is final, and I would like to hear some
> thoughts from other argus users in the list as well.
> By the way Carter, do you have plan to make argus client multi-threaded as
> well to have better performance in term of analysis, I know this is not
> trivial but just asking.
> Cheers!
> On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:51 PM, CS Lee <geek00l at> wrote:
>> hi Carter,
>> Yeah initially when I thought of using stime(it's double now and I can
>> alter it to integer anyway) for mysql partition and I may lose fraction of
>> second, then we have dur field in argus which is more useful to know(is it
>> short or long flow) and that makes me think of changing the strategy.
>> Mysql partition doesn't play well with string data type, and i want to
>> check how well it performs compare to default schema that we currently
>> have(providing that the changes of sadddr,daddr,sport and dport changes
>> applied). I'm also looking into have autoid field as the key as well since
>> it is sequential incremental field.
>> I did hit the problem of storing argus primitive data so -record is
>> helpful. however one thing I found is in argus client if we run
>> -s -record
>> it will work, but if we run
>> -s saddr daddr -record
>> This won't work as argus client will take it as -r ecord and said ecord
>> not found. However the workaround is simple just store the field I want in
>> rarc with RA_FIELD_SPEFICIER and then run argus client with -s -record
>> instead of stating the field I want in command line.
>> Cheers!
>> On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:10 PM, Carter Bullard <carter at>wrote:
>>> Time is currently defined as a double, so that it can get the fractional
>>> part,
>>> so you may not need to change that representation, unless double is not
>>> a good performer?
>>> Please keep sending your preferences for data formats to the list so I
>>> can make
>>> appropriate changes.  The Stanford guys started this effort by asking
>>> for addresses
>>> to be in decimal, and with your list, we should be able to do a good job
>>> on
>>> preliminary database work.  They are using some very high performance
>>> commercial databases for their work, and seem rather happy, but that
>>> doesn't
>>> cover Stanford's 10G monitoring efforts.
>>> I will put in the database schema creation support for these formats
>>> next, but
>>> that will be in argus-clients-, which i should put up later this
>>> week.
>>> You will find that the db will not be able to keep up with stuffing
>>> primitive data
>>> into the database, as the network and argus can generate more data than
>>> the
>>> db can accept.  But maintaining derived data, like an ethernet/ip
>>> address table
>>> with rasqlinsert() is no problem, or an ethernet matrix table is a no
>>> brainer.
>>> I'd be interested in any results that you discover !!!!!
>>> Carter
>>> On Jun 25, 2012, at 10:00 AM, CS Lee wrote:
>>> hi Carter,
>>> After applying latest patch from you, here's the result -
>>> mysql> SELECT stime, saddr, sport, daddr, dport, proto, state FROM
>>> tbl_test;
>>> +-------------------+------------+-------+------------+-------+-------+-------+
>>> | stime             | saddr      | sport | daddr      | dport | proto |
>>> state |
>>> +-------------------+------------+-------+------------+-------+-------+-------+
>>> | 1340623505.000000 | 3232235779 |     8 | 3512053643 |  5923 | icmp  |
>>> ECO   |
>>> +-------------------+------------+-------+------------+-------+-------+-------+
>>> I will run more testing on other data later. My other plan is to change
>>> stime to be integer as well so that it will be very efficient for partition
>>> strategy. String data type can't be used for mysql partition. Currently my
>>> tweaking and fine tuning is gearing toward high speed mysql db for argus
>>> and see if my strategy works better than default schema.
>>> Thank you!
>>> On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:48 PM, CS Lee <geek00l at> wrote:
>>>> hi Carter,
>>>> I tested the previous patch and it works, so I'm testing this one now.
>>>> On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:27 PM, Carter Bullard <carter at>wrote:
>>>>> Hey CS Lee,
>>>>> My bad, I needed to change a few lines, as the conditional shouldn't
>>>>> define the scope !!!!!
>>>>> Here is a new patch that should work a bit better:
>>>>> ==== //depot/argus-3.0.6/clients/common/argus_util.c#3 -
>>>>> /Volumes/Users/carter/argus/release/argus-3.0.6/clients/common/argus_util.c
>>>>> ====
>>>>> 7200c7200
>>>>> <       char upbuf[32], *upstr = upbuf;
>>>>> ---
>>>>> >       char upbuf[32], *upstr = upbuf, *format = NULL;
>>>>> 7202,7205c7202,7203
>>>>> <       switch (proto) {
>>>>> <          case IPPROTO_ICMP:
>>>>> <             sprintf(upstr, "0x%4.4x", port);
>>>>> <             break;
>>>>> ---
>>>>> >       if (parser->RaPrintAlgorithmList[parser->RaPrintIndex] != NULL)
>>>>> >          format =
>>>>> parser->RaPrintAlgorithmList[parser->RaPrintIndex]->format;
>>>>> 7207,7209c7205,7209
>>>>> <          default:
>>>>> <             sprintf(upstr, "%d", port);
>>>>> <             break;
>>>>> ---
>>>>> >       if ((format == NULL) || (strlen(format) == 0)) {
>>>>> >          switch (proto) {
>>>>> >             case IPPROTO_ICMP: format = "0x%4.4x"; break;
>>>>> >             default: format = "%d"; break;
>>>>> >          }
>>>>> 7211a7212,7213
>>>>> >       snprintf (upstr, 128, format, port);
>>>>> >
>>>>> Carter
>>>>> On Jun 25, 2012, at 9:16 AM, Carter Bullard wrote:
>>>>> Hey CS Lee,
>>>>> Hmmmmm, well that is not how I thought it would go.  This patch will
>>>>> enable the print format
>>>>> extension for all port values.   So, " sport::%d dport::%d" should
>>>>> work for icmp as well.
>>>>> I'm adding this to the main thread of code, if it works for you, so it
>>>>> will be in any new
>>>>> clients tarfiles that we release.  And it will be in
>>>>> argus-clients-
>>>>> Carter
>>>>> ==== //depot/argus-3.0.6/clients/common/argus_util.c#3 -
>>>>> /Volumes/Users/carter/argus/release/argus-3.0.6/clients/common/argus_util.c
>>>>> ====
>>>>> 7202,7205c7202,7203
>>>>> <       switch (proto) {
>>>>> <          case IPPROTO_ICMP:
>>>>> <             sprintf(upstr, "0x%4.4x", port);
>>>>> <             break;
>>>>> ---
>>>>> >       if (parser->RaPrintAlgorithmList[parser->RaPrintIndex] !=
>>>>> NULL) {
>>>>> >          char *format =
>>>>> parser->RaPrintAlgorithmList[parser->RaPrintIndex]->format;
>>>>> 7207,7209c7205,7211
>>>>> <          default:
>>>>> <             sprintf(upstr, "%d", port);
>>>>> <             break;
>>>>> ---
>>>>> >          if ((format == NULL) || (strlen(format) == 0)) {
>>>>> >             switch (proto) {
>>>>> >                case IPPROTO_ICMP: format = "0x%4.4x"; break;
>>>>> >                default: format = "%d"; break;
>>>>> >             }
>>>>> >          }
>>>>> >          snprintf (upstr, 128, format, port);
>>>>> Carter
>>>>> On Jun 25, 2012, at 12:27 AM, CS Lee wrote:
>>>>> hi Carter,
>>>>> While the changes work correctly for tcp and udp, it seems the hex
>>>>> value doesn't get to convert to decimal for icmp in sport and dport.
>>>>> Default
>>>>> mysql> SELECT stime, saddr, sport, daddr, dport, spkts, dpkts, proto,
>>>>> state FROM tbl_argus;
>>>>> +-------------------+-------------+--------+----------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
>>>>> | stime             | saddr       | sport  | daddr          | dport  |
>>>>> spkts | dpkts | proto | state |
>>>>> +-------------------+-------------+--------+----------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
>>>>> | 1340623505.000000 | | 0x0008 | | 0x1723 |
>>>>>     8 |     1 | icmp  | ECO   |
>>>>> +-------------------+-------------+--------+----------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
>>>>> After drop the table, and apply the patch
>>>>> mysql> SELECT stime, saddr, sport, daddr, dport, spkts, dpkts, proto,
>>>>> state FROM tbl_argus;
>>>>> +-------------------+------------+-------+------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
>>>>> | stime             | saddr      | sport | daddr      | dport | spkts
>>>>> | dpkts | proto | state |
>>>>> +-------------------+------------+-------+------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
>>>>> | 1340623505.000000 | 3232235779 |     0 | 3512053643 |     0 |     8
>>>>> |     1 | icmp  | ECO   |
>>>>> +-------------------+------------+-------+------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
>>>>> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>>>>> If hex conversion is right, then 0x0008 will be 8 and 0x1723 will be
>>>>> 5923 in decimal. Here's my testing table -
>>>>> mysql> desc tbl_argus;
>>>>> +-----------+-----------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
>>>>> | Field     | Type                  | Null | Key | Default | Extra
>>>>>      |
>>>>> +-----------+-----------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
>>>>> | autoid    | int(11)               | NO   | PRI | NULL    |
>>>>> auto_increment |
>>>>> | stime     | double(18,6) unsigned | NO   |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | ltime     | double(18,6) unsigned | NO   |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | dur       | double(18,6)          | NO   |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | srcid     | varchar(64)           | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | flgs      | varchar(32)           | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | proto     | varchar(16)           | NO   |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | saddr     | varchar(64)           | NO   |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | sport     | smallint(5) unsigned  | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | dir       | varchar(3)            | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | daddr     | varchar(64)           | NO   |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | dport     | smallint(5) unsigned  | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | pkts      | bigint(20)            | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | bytes     | bigint(20)            | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | appbytes  | bigint(20)            | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | state     | varchar(32)           | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | spkts     | bigint(20)            | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | dpkts     | bigint(20)            | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | sbytes    | bigint(20)            | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | dbytes    | bigint(20)            | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | sappbytes | bigint(20)            | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | dappbytes | bigint(20)            | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | smaxsz    | smallint(5) unsigned  | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | dmaxsz    | smallint(5) unsigned  | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | sminsz    | smallint(5) unsigned  | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | dminsz    | smallint(5) unsigned  | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | smac      | varchar(24)           | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | dmac      | varchar(24)           | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | sco       | varchar(2)            | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | dco       | varchar(2)            | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | sas       | int(10) unsigned      | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | das       | int(10) unsigned      | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> | record    | blob                  | YES  |     | NULL    |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> +-----------+-----------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
>>>>> 33 rows in set (0.01 sec)
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> CS Lee<geek00L[at]>
>>>> --
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> CS Lee<geek00L[at]>
>>> --
>>> Best Regards,
>>> CS Lee<geek00L[at]>
>> --
>> Best Regards,
>> CS Lee<geek00L[at]>
> --
> Best Regards,
> CS Lee<geek00L[at]>

Best Regards,

CS Lee<geek00L[at]>
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