Endance DAG 8.1 and Argus problem

Leif Tishendorf ltishend at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 15:15:26 EST 2011

Hello all,

I'm running an Endance Dag 8.1 card and I'm having difficulty getting 
Argus to work with it.  I've compiled Argus against the Dag 
enabled libpcap files and Argus will run if I set it to eth0, which is 
the management interface, but if I set it to a dag stream, e.g. 
ARGUS_INTERFACE=dag0:8, the daemon says it starts, and prints to syslog 
that it starts, but it doesn't actually start.

I was wondering if anyone may have had a similar issue and be able to 
offer some pointers.



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