looking for scanners and other "bad" activity

Mike Tancsa mike at sentex.ca
Fri Sep 10 09:02:41 EDT 2010

At 03:16 PM 9/9/2010, carter at qosient.com wrote:
>Hey Mark,
>Take a look at the rahosts() perk script.  It will report on the 
>number of hosts, hosts attempt to access.  It is the simplest of 
>tools to report simle scanning behavior.
>radark() is also a good script for dealing with scan detection, but 
>it is trying to discover scanning at a very low level of activity, 
>which are below the thresholds you mention.  Maybe overkill.

Thanks Carter, these look like great tools ! I noticed there is no 
man page for them ?


>Give these a try and send email if they were helpful at all, and if 
>they sucked for what you want to do.
>Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Tancsa <mike at sentex.ca>
>Sender: argus-info-bounces+carter=qosient.com at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
>Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2010 10:14:22
>To: <argus-info at lists.andrew.cmu.edu>
>Subject: [ARGUS] looking for scanners and other "bad" activity
>          I am hoping to use my argus data for some real time threat
>analysis looking for hosts scanning inside my network either
>individual hosts or ports on a host.  In general, the questions I
>want to answer are like
>   What external IP addresses have hit > n hosts on port y in less than x hrs
>eg. what external IP addresses have hit port 3389 on more than 20
>different IP addresses in the past 1hr
>I could do some scripting to interpret the text output, but was
>hoping there would be some combo of racluster and other argus tools
>to help me answer that question.
>          ---Mike

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