little endian bug in 2.x record parsing in new clients

Carter Bullard carter at
Fri Mar 6 13:44:11 EST 2009

Gentle people,
I have found a bug in the little-endian processing of 2.x data in the
argus-clients-3.0.2 code, so I have uploaded a new
argus-clients-3.0.2.beta.2.tar.gz file to the dev directory.

I have tested reading data from as many argus files as I have,  
of version, and it seems to work, ......

I also fixed problems with racluster() results having short counts.
I have gone through all the clients and revised their file closing  
and so ....

This does not fix the "-lz" issue for some ./configure runs.......

For those having problems, please grab this set of code for testing.
And don't hesitate to report any problems you find!!!!!



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