Error on Argus' performance page

Peter Van Epp vanepp at
Tue Aug 18 21:57:57 EDT 2009

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 02:49:52PM +0200, Nicolas Braud-Santoni wrote:
> Hello,
> I just wanted to point a little mistake on
> :
> It is pointed that, by using two 80/20 optical taps, one after
> another, one would experience a 40% power loss on the link, and get 2
> outputs @20%.
> It's obviously wrong, the result being :
>     100%                              80%
> ========> TAP 1 ==============> TAP 2 ======> 64%
>                       |-----> 20%                           |-------> 16%
> Good afternoon

	Thanks, probably just the first of many :-). I encourage everyone on
the list to read, add things (and products) that aren't there and correct
other errors. I'll point out this also applies the opposite direction with
the losses the other way so a regen tap is in many ways a safer bet as you
can get (possibly) unexpected, unreported, and possibly asymetric loss (if
the %20 monitor output is in agc range and the %16 isn't for instance). The
optical power meter and measurement are your friend :-).

Peter Van Epp

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