RPM Spec file bugs

Phillip G Deneault deneault at WPI.EDU
Tue Jul 8 15:44:43 EDT 2008

I've noticed these bugs have reappeared in the argus-3.0.1.beta.1 
tarball.  Can we get the fixes integrated again?


Phillip G Deneault wrote:
> I was attempting to build the argus-3.0.0 RPMs which I downloaded only a 
> few days ago from:
> ftp://ftp.qosient.com/dev/argus-3.0/
> Running a simple 'rpmbuild -ba argus.spec' command was successful except 
> for two bugs.
> The first was that 'ntasbug' is not included in the compiled programs. I 
> assume this was meant to be 'argusbug' from some posts back in 2006. 
> Also, the man/man5/argus.5 file is missing from the tarball, so that 
> doesn't copy over either.
> Thanks,
> Phil

Phil Deneault              "We work in the dark. We do what we can.
deneault at wpi.edu                              We give what we have.
Network Security Officer 		  Our doubt is our passion,
Network Operations                     and our passion is our task.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute    The rest is the madness of art."
http://www.wpi.edu/~deneault/   		      - Henry James

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