Argus with DAG card

Lei Wei lwei at
Sat Jan 5 15:37:26 EST 2008


I have some trouble trying to get argus working with DAG card. I 
installed a dag-enabled libpcap0.9.7 and argus-3.0.0. Argus works fine 
with standard interface. But when I specified the DAG interface by the 
command: argus -i dag0 -w output.out it just exited and did nothing. 
Tcpdump seemed to work fine with the DAG.  tcpdump -i dag0 would show 
packets info on the screen with no problem.

It seems to me that since DAG card is not standard interface, argus 
doesn't recognize it but I don't know how to configure argus to accept 
it. Could anyone give me some help on this?

Thank you.


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