rc.42 an rabins: filtering won't work

Wolfgang Barth wob at swobspace.de
Tue Mar 20 15:38:18 EDT 2007


filtering in rc.42 won't work as in previous versions:

argus-clients-3.0.0.rc.42/bin/rabins -r /var/log/argus/argus.log \
   -M rmon 10s -m smac -w - - srcid eligate1 | ...
rabins[32470]: 20:36:14.580569 srcid eligate1 filter syntax error

rc.40 (and previous):
argus-clients-3.0.0.rc.40/bin/rabins -r /var/log/argus/argus.log \
   -M rmon 10s -m smac -w - - srcid eligate1 | ...
shows the expected behavior.

Is this a bug or a feature? (i.e. changed parameter syntax?)

<wob (at) swobspace de> * http://www.swobspace.de

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