more uninitialized mutexes in rc.39

Carter Bullard carter at
Wed Feb 28 15:26:10 EST 2007

Hey Christoph,
I thought I did that?  Obviously I missed a few, but,...., don't do the 
only because you shouldn't have to do that.  Pointing out the problem
should be enough, so if you can identify where I need to adjust, .... I'll
fix them tonight!!!!


Christoph Badura wrote:

>Hey Carter,
>I just looked at rc.40 and I guess I didn't make myself clear. The reason
>I proposed 
>>int ArgusNewHashTable(struct ArgusHashTable *htable, int nelem. size_t elemsz)?
>was so that we could use that to initialize the static ArgusHashTables
>e.g. in clients/racount.c too:
>struct ArgusHashTable ArgusSrcAddrTable, ArgusDstAddrTable;
>I.e. the idea was to use ArgusNewHashTable() to do all the initialization
>in every file that uses hash tables.
>If that is agreeable to you I'll be glad tot change all the places and send
>you the diffs.

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