argus in chroot, privilege seperation/revocation

Carter Bullard carter at
Wed Sep 20 01:24:31 EDT 2006

Hey Andreas,
So I have a few issues/questions regarding your patch.  No problem,
just need to find the right approach.  When the "-C dir" option is used,
along with  the "-w outputfile" option, how do we ensure that we
chroot before we process the output file option, which causes us
to create the file.  Same with your "-u user" or "-g group" option,
since these could affect whether the output file can be created or not.

Can I use the "-u user" option without using the "-g group" option?


Andreas Östling wrote:

> On Tue, 19 Sep 2006, carter at wrote:
>> Hey Andreas,
>> I will add your changes to the code tonight, along with Gabriel' 
>> memory alignment changes.  If we need some dialog for the man pages, 
>> could you review?
> Of course!
> /Andreas

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