3.0 multiple output files, separate filters

Jonathan Towne jontow at hijacked.us
Fri Oct 13 15:13:48 EDT 2006


Doing a bit of testing, I wanted to collect session data on a link, and
have a separate output file just for one IP address.

I found the option to do this with one instance of argus running,
but can't seem to get it to work.

Found in the example config:

# The format is:
#      ARGUS_OUTPUT_FILE=/full/path/file/name
#      ARGUS_OUTPUT_FILE=/full/path/file/name "filter"

Now, if I do:

ARGUS_OUTPUT_FILE=/usr/local/argus/log/onecustomer.out "host"

Both files catch all session data, the filter does not appear to be

Just curious if this is a bug, or unfinished feature, or if I'm just
not setting it up quite right, or other?

I'm running a build of 3.0.0.rc.31 from Wednesday afternoon, on an i386
machine with FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE from mid-July.


-- Jonathan Towne

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