No pidfile support in Argus 3.0?

Andrew Pollock andrew-argus at
Sun Jul 9 16:55:12 EDT 2006

Hey Carter,

I'm running into some packaging problems with the new Argus, in terms of
initscripts and a lack of pid files.

Even the pid reported when Argus starts isn't really indicative of the
running pid:

apollock at lazarus:/$ sudo /usr/sbin/argus
argus[6592]: 08 Jul 06 23:34:09.846194 started
apollock at lazarus:/$ ps ax | grep argus
 6594 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/argus
 6596 pts/0    R+     0:00 grep argus

Can you bring back the options that support pidfile creation?



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