argus_parse.c questions

Carter Bullard carter at
Tue Mar 15 09:13:11 EST 2005

Hey Nick,
   Sorry for the delayed response.
Yes, I'll add the sabytes/dabytes to the print
field list.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Giordano [mailto:ngiordano at] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 5:38 PM
To: Carter Bullard
Cc: Argus
Subject: Re: [ARGUS] argus_parse.c questions

   Sorry about that.  I found my mistake.  I was expecting -X to clear 
configuration set by previous rarc files, not the command line 
arguments.  I was using ra -nnn -r <files> -X -F test_rarc and it was 
clearing the data input value and ra was hanging.  When I run ra -X -F 
test_rarc -nnn -r <files> it works great.
  There is no note about -X in the ra man page or -h output but the 
argus man pages reads:

       -X   Clear existing argus configuration.  This removes any  
initialization  done  prior to encountering this flag.  Allows you to 
eliminate the effects of the /etc/argus.conf file,  or  any  argus.conf 
files that may have been loaded.

  I should have noticed that, sorry for the trouble.

  About the dabytes,sabytes idea, would you be open to a patch that 
added this capability?


Carter Bullard wrote:

>Hey Nick,
>   There are a lot of options for the various programs that are
>not documented.  They are generally features that are a bit complex
>or don't work 100% of the time.  The -x option works in conjunction
>with other options for ragator to act as a service availability
>monitor.  Works most of the time, but under some constraints.
>Something for those that are inquisitive enough to dig into the
>   So how does the -X option fail?
>>From: Nick Giordano <ngiordano at>
>>Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 13:54:30 -0600
>>To: Argus <argus-info at>
>>Subject: [ARGUS] argus_parse.c questions
>>I was looking through the argus_parse.c file that comes with my
>>argus-clients bundle and I had some questions about some of the
>>configuration options that don't seem to be used or don't work.
>>This is the list of configuration options I get from ra -h:
>>Ra Version 2.0.6.fixes.1
>>usage: ra
>>usage: ra [options] -S remoteServer  [- filter-expression]
>>usage: ra [options] -r argusDataFile [- filter-expression]
>>options: -a                 print record summaries on termination.
>>         -A                 print application bytes.
>>         -b                 dump packet-matching code.
>>         -C                 treat the remote source as a Cisco Netflow
>>         -d <bytes>         print number of <bytes> from user data
>>capture buffer.
>>                   format:  num | s<num> | d<num> | s<num>:d<num>
>>         -e <encode>        convert user data using <encode> method.
>>                            Supported types are <Ascii> and <Encode64>.
>>         -E <file>          write records that are rejected by the
>>filter into <file>
>>         -F <conffile>      read configuration from <conffile>.
>>         -h                 print help.
>>         -n                 don't convert numbers to names.
>>         -p <digits>        print fractional time with <digits> precision.
>>         -q                 quiet mode. don't print record outputs.
>>         -r <file>          read argus data <file>. '-' denotes stdin.
>>         -R                 print out response data when availabile.
>>         -s [-][+[#]]field  specify fields to print.
>>                   fields:  startime, lasttime, count, dur, avgdur,
>>                            saddr, daddr, proto, sport, dport, ipid,
>>                            stos, dtos, sttl, dttl, bytes, sbytes, dbytes,
>>                            pkts, spkts, dpkts, load, loss, rate,
>>                            srcid, ind, mac, dir, jitter, status, user,
>>                            win, trans, seq, vlan, mpls.
>>         -S <host[:port]>   specify remote argus <host> and optional
>>port number.
>>         -t <timerange>     specify <timerange> for reading records.
>>                   format:  timeSpecification[-timeSpecification]
>>                            timeSpecification:
>>                                                 [yyyy/]mm/dd
>>                                                 -%d{yMdhms}
>>         -T <secs>          attach to remote server for T seconds.
>>         -u                 print time in Unix time format.
>>         -w <file>          write output to <file>. '-' denotes stdout.
>>         -z                 print Argus TCP state changes.
>>         -Z <s|d|b>         print actual TCP flag values.<'s'rc | 'd'st
>>| 'b'oth>
>>Here are the options that clearRaConfiguration alters in argus_parse.c:
>>   aflag = 0;
>>   Aflag = 0;
>>   Argusdflag = 0;
>>   bflag = 0;
>>   Bflag = 0;
>>   cflag = 0;
>>   Cflag = 0;
>>   dflag = 0;
>>   Dflag = 0;
>>   eflag = 0;
>>   Eflag = 0;
>>   estr = NULL;
>>   fflag = 0;
>>   Fflag = 0;
>>   gflag = 0;
>>   Gflag = 0;
>>   hfield = 15;
>>   Hflag = 0;
>>   Hstr = NULL;
>>   idflag = 0;
>>   jflag = 0;
>>   lflag = 0;
>>   Lflag = 0;
>>   mflag = 0;
>>   Mflag = NULL;
>>   Netflag = 0;
>>   nflag = 0;
>>   Nflag = 0;
>>   Normflag = 0;
>>   notNetflag = 0;
>>   Oflag = 0;
>>   pfield = 5;
>>   pflag = 0;
>>   Pflag = 0;
>>   qflag = 0;
>>   sflag = NULL;
>>   tflag = 0;
>>   uflag = 0;
>>   Wflag = 0;
>>   Uflag = 6;
>>   vflag = 0;
>>   Vflag = 0;
>>   iflag = 0;
>>   Iflag = 0;
>>   Tflag = 0;
>>   rflag = 0;
>>   Rflag = 0;
>>   Sflag = 0;
>>   xflag = 0;
>>   Xflag = 0;
>>   XMLflag = 0;
>>   zflag = 0;
>>   Zflag = 0;
>>Some of these are set but never used and some of these are used but not
>>documented (at least anywhere I could find).  -x for example isn't used
>>in ra but it has some use for ragator ( if (xflag && (srv->status ==
>>RA_SVCFAILED) ) and rahistogram but I couldn't find an explanation.
>>The flag that I am most interested in is the -X flag, which in argus
>>seems to clear out any previous configuration.  It looks like it is
>>supposed to do the same thing in ra but doesn't seem to work.  The other
>>configuration question I have is if it would be possible to add sabytes
>>and dabytes to the options for -s flag instead of having the -A flag?
>>This would enable users to get output including both source and
>>destionation bytes as well as source and destination application bytes
>>at the same time.

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