argus_parse.c questions

Nick Giordano ngiordano at
Wed Feb 23 14:54:30 EST 2005

I was looking through the argus_parse.c file that comes with my 
argus-clients bundle and I had some questions about some of the 
configuration options that don't seem to be used or don't work.

This is the list of configuration options I get from ra -h:

Ra Version 2.0.6.fixes.1
usage: ra
usage: ra [options] -S remoteServer  [- filter-expression]
usage: ra [options] -r argusDataFile [- filter-expression]

options: -a                 print record summaries on termination.
         -A                 print application bytes.
         -b                 dump packet-matching code.
         -C                 treat the remote source as a Cisco Netflow 
         -d <bytes>         print number of <bytes> from user data 
capture buffer.
                   format:  num | s<num> | d<num> | s<num>:d<num>
         -e <encode>        convert user data using <encode> method.
                            Supported types are <Ascii> and <Encode64>.
         -E <file>          write records that are rejected by the 
filter into <file>
         -F <conffile>      read configuration from <conffile>.
         -h                 print help.
         -n                 don't convert numbers to names.
         -p <digits>        print fractional time with <digits> precision.
         -q                 quiet mode. don't print record outputs.
         -r <file>          read argus data <file>. '-' denotes stdin.
         -R                 print out response data when availabile.
         -s [-][+[#]]field  specify fields to print.
                   fields:  startime, lasttime, count, dur, avgdur,
                            saddr, daddr, proto, sport, dport, ipid,
                            stos, dtos, sttl, dttl, bytes, sbytes, dbytes,
                            pkts, spkts, dpkts, load, loss, rate,
                            srcid, ind, mac, dir, jitter, status, user,
                            win, trans, seq, vlan, mpls.
         -S <host[:port]>   specify remote argus <host> and optional 
port number.
         -t <timerange>     specify <timerange> for reading records.
                   format:  timeSpecification[-timeSpecification]
                            timeSpecification: [[[yyyy/]mm/]dd.]hh[:mm[:ss]]
         -T <secs>          attach to remote server for T seconds.
         -u                 print time in Unix time format.
         -w <file>          write output to <file>. '-' denotes stdout.
         -z                 print Argus TCP state changes.
         -Z <s|d|b>         print actual TCP flag values.<'s'rc | 'd'st 
| 'b'oth>

Here are the options that clearRaConfiguration alters in argus_parse.c:
   aflag = 0;
   Aflag = 0;
   Argusdflag = 0;
   bflag = 0;
   Bflag = 0;
   cflag = 0;
   Cflag = 0;
   dflag = 0;
   Dflag = 0;
   eflag = 0;
   Eflag = 0;
   estr = NULL;
   fflag = 0;
   Fflag = 0;
   gflag = 0;
   Gflag = 0;
   hfield = 15;
   Hflag = 0;
   Hstr = NULL;
   idflag = 0;
   jflag = 0;
   lflag = 0;
   Lflag = 0;
   mflag = 0;
   Mflag = NULL;
   Netflag = 0;
   nflag = 0;
   Nflag = 0;
   Normflag = 0;
   notNetflag = 0;
   Oflag = 0;
   pfield = 5;
   pflag = 0;
   Pflag = 0;
   qflag = 0;
   sflag = NULL;
   tflag = 0;
   uflag = 0;
   Wflag = 0;

   Uflag = 6;
   vflag = 0;
   Vflag = 0;
   iflag = 0;

   Iflag = 0;
   Tflag = 0;
   rflag = 0;
   Rflag = 0;
   Sflag = 0;
   xflag = 0;
   Xflag = 0;
   XMLflag = 0;

   zflag = 0;
   Zflag = 0;

Some of these are set but never used and some of these are used but not 
documented (at least anywhere I could find).  -x for example isn't used 
in ra but it has some use for ragator ( if (xflag && (srv->status == 
RA_SVCFAILED) ) and rahistogram but I couldn't find an explanation.

The flag that I am most interested in is the -X flag, which in argus 
seems to clear out any previous configuration.  It looks like it is 
supposed to do the same thing in ra but doesn't seem to work.  The other 
configuration question I have is if it would be possible to add sabytes 
and dabytes to the options for -s flag instead of having the -A flag?  
This would enable users to get output including both source and 
destionation bytes as well as source and destination application bytes 
at the same time.



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