[ARGUS] BSD argus/Linux ra problems?

Michael Sanderson sanders at cs.ubc.ca
Fri Nov 19 17:36:04 EST 2004

Carter Bullard wrote:
 > Hey Michael,
 >   So what kind of problems are you having?
 > Carter

I have an OpenBSD 3.6 box running argus 2.0.6.fixes.1.  I have a Fedora Core2 
box running argus-clients 2.0.6.fixes.1.  When I connect from Fedora with 'ra -S 
argus_host -w /var/tmp/data', ra starts up, forks/execs and the child exits very 
quickly without writing any data.  Argus daemon on OpenBSD reports that the 
client is done.  If I run this as 'strace ra -S argus_host -w /var/tmp/data', ra 
continues to run and collect/write data.

I wasn't directly involved in the build of the box, but my understanding is that 
no special patches have been applied to the kernel source.  Any buffer issues 
that Peter has previously posted about that are still outstanding in the BSD 
kernel are still there.  However, I don't believe that this particular problem 
has anything to do with that.

Michael Sanderson                   sanders at cs.ubc.ca
UBC Computer Science		http://www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/sanders/
					604 822 6194

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