MacOS Experiences

Carter Bullard carter at
Wed Jan 28 12:37:46 EST 2004

Hey Eric,
   I'm getting better performance using G5's than Xeon's
primarily due to the little endian issues on Intel machines.
Based on the traffic mix, as much as 3x performance.
I've never seen a Mac under perform a comparable Intel
box as an Argus probe, and I have seen it out perform
on a regular basis.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-argus-info at
[mailto:owner-argus-info at] On Behalf Of
eric-list-argus at
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 3:25 AM
To: argus-info at
Subject: MacOS Experiences

I was hoping to gain some insight as to how well argus is performing
(both either as capturing flows or processing flows) on 10.3 or so.
We're looking for hardware to replace our existing infrastructure,
and I can get two xserv's and an xraid for the price of a high end
x86 machine :)

Off list replies can be summarized.


- Eric

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