[ARGUS] Another Core Dump

eric eric-list-argus at catastrophe.net
Wed Apr 14 12:59:58 EDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-04-14 at 12:56:39 -0400, Carter Bullard proclaimed...

> I am incredibly stupid. its:
> (gdb) print &ArgusOutputTask->client[0]
> (gdb) print *ArgusOutputTask->client[0].sock

Now we're getting somewhere :)

(gdb)  print &ArgusOutputTask->client[0]
$1 = (struct ArgusClientData *) 0x8134008
(gdb) print *ArgusOutputTask->client[0].sock
$2 = {ArgusOutputList = 0x812d180, fd = 9, status = 16, cnt = 0, 
  expectedSize = 0, errornum = 0, ArgusLastRecord = 0, ArgusReadState = 0, 
  buf = '\000' <repeats 65535 times>, ptr = 0x0, ahdr = 0x0, sock = {
    sa_len = 0 '\000', sa_family = 0 '\000', 
    sa_data = '\000' <repeats 13 times>}, filename = 0x0}

/me fills Carter's cup with more coffee :)

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