differing options on server and clients ra?

Peter Van Epp vanepp at sfu.ca
Sat Mar 29 22:48:21 EST 2003

	It appears the -c and -I flags have disappeared in the ra version 
distributed in the clients.beta.38. I assume the function has been taken over
by -s (to supress or print what you want) but it makes it somewhat confusing
to have two ra programs which take different options (it bit someone trying to
use my perl scripts because I always use the ra from the server distribution
and had never hit this before). In the short term, accepting and ignoring the
-c and -I flags (or setting the appropriate -s flags although they appear to 
be on by default) may be a good bet for compatability reasons.

Peter Van Epp / Operations and Technical Support 
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Canada

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