802.1q vlan ids?

Kevin C Miller kevinm at andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Jan 29 10:50:01 EST 2003

We were looking into some odd VLAN IDs here (0x2002 when we expected 
0x0002). It seems that argus might be misparsing the vlan identifier field. 
The section of the header used for the vlan ID is 16 bits wide, but the 
actual VLAN ID is only the low 12 bits:

See: <http://www.rhyshaden.com/images/eth_c.gif>

So in this case it seems like we might have a priority of 001, leading to 
argus reporting a vlan ID of 0x2002.

Does this seem possible?


Kevin C. Miller <kcm at cmu.edu>
Network Development
Carnegie Mellon University

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