Flowfile newbie: followup

Peter Van Epp vanepp at sfu.ca
Tue Nov 5 16:22:39 EST 2002

	Since I haven't done it in a while I may as well spam this to the list
in case there is other interest :-):

port.pl (as an example of what can be done, prints out totals sorted in 
reverse numeric order followed by what port (or ports) did the traffic which
is I think what you wanted. It will process the argus files supplied on the
input as in:

./port.pl archive/2002/11/04/*

modifying the basic script allows extracting almost anything. Dates are in 
Time_t format to make arithmetic easier, changing ra.conf will change that.


use Socket;
require "/usr/local/bin/new_parse_argus_log.pl";

@files = @ARGV;

foreach $file ( @files ) {
	open (IN, "/usr/local/bin/ra -F /data/ra.conf -I -c -p 6 -r $file |")
		|| die "can't open $file $!";

#	print STDERR  "$file\n"; 

	while (<IN>) {
		$line ++;
		if (($line % 10000) == 0) {
			print STDERR "Processing $line\n";
		if ($type eq "man") {
			# if this is a man stats line just skip it.

	        if ($start_time eq "") {
	                $start_time = $date;

		$data{$dst_port} += $src_bytes + $dst_bytes;

foreach $port (keys %data) {
	$counts{$data{$port}} .= "\t$port\n";
foreach $count (sort numerically (keys %counts)){
	$pcount = &commas($count);
	print "$pcount\n$counts{$count}\n";

sub numerically {$b <=> $a;}
sub commas {
        local($_) = @_;
        1 while s/(.*\d)(\d\d\d)/$1,$2/;

---- end of port.pl ----

it needs argus-2.x and these supporting files (change to taste):



--- end of ra.conf ---


sub main'parse_argus_log {

	# Parse an argus log file line in to the variable listed below to 
	# make it easy to scan log files from a perl script.
	local ($_) = @_;
	local ($rest, $t, $p, $a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g,$h,$pk, $ex, $ob, $max);

	$date = ""; 
	$edate = "";
	$flag = "";
	$mid_flag = "";
	$end_flag = "";
	$type = "";
	$src_ip = "";
	$dst_ip = "";
	$src_pkt = "";
	$dst_pkt = "";
	$src_bytes = "";
	$dst_bytes = "";
	$src_net ="";
	$dst_net ="";
	$src_port = "";
	$dst_port = "";

        ( $date, $edate, $flag, $type, $src_ip,  $src_port, $mid_flag, 
	  $dst_ip, $dst_port, $src_pkt, $dst_pkt, $src_bytes, $dst_bytes, $end_flag) = split(/\t/, $_);

	($a,$b,$c,$d)= split(/\./,$src_ip);
	($e,$f,$g,$h)= split(/\./,$dst_ip);
	if ($type eq "icmp") {
		if ($end_flag eq "ECR") {
               		$src_port = "icmp ECR";
               		$dst_port = "icmp ECR";
		} else {
               		$src_port = "icmp";
               		$dst_port = "icmp";
	if ($src_port eq "") {
		# For types that don't have ports insert the type as 
		# both ports.

		$src_port = $type;
		$dst_port = $type;
	$src_net = "$a.$b.$c.";
	$dst_net = "$e.$f.$g.";

	# Return true if the argument is one of SFU's networks
sub main'is_our_net {

	local ($_) = @_;

	if (($_ =~ /^142\.58\./) || 
	    ($_ =~ /^199\.60\.[1-9]\.|^199\.60\.1[0-8]\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^192\.75\.24[0-7]\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^204\.239\.18\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^206\.12\.128\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^206\.12\.17\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^206\.12\.6\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^206\.12\.30\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^207\.23\.85\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^207\.23\.86\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^209\.87\.31\./)) {
		return (1);
	} else {
		return (0);
sub main'is_bby {

	local ($_) = @_;

	if (($_ =~ /^142\.58\./) || 
	    ($_ =~ /^199\.60\.[1-9]\.|^199\.60\.1[0-8]\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^204\.239\.18\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^206\.12\.128\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^206\.12\.17\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^206\.12\.6\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^207\.23\.85\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^207\.23\.86\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^44\.135\.160\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^44\.135\.172\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^44\.135\.173\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^224\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^209\.87\.31\./)) {
		return (1);
	} else {
		return (0);
sub main'is_hc {

	local ($_) = @_;

	if (($_ =~ /^192\.75\.24[0-7]\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /142\.231\.1\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^206\.12\.30\./)) {
		return (1);
	} else {
		return (0);
sub main'is_techbc {

	local ($_) = @_;

	if (($_ =~ /^209\.87\.56\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^209\.87\.57\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^209\.87\.58\./) ||
	    ($_ =~ /^206\.12\.16\./)) {
		return (1);
	} else {
		return (0);

---- end of new_parse_argus_log.pl ----                             

Peter Van Epp / Operations and Technical Support 
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Canada

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