Reducing argus-2.x log files for archiving

Russell Fulton R.FULTON at
Tue Jan 29 20:45:44 EST 2002

Hi All,
	I am looking at ways of reducing storage requirements for long term
archiving of argus logs.  I try and keep a couple of months logs on disk
with all the details then I would like to be able to strip out some of
the more esoteric 'stuff' and commit them to off line storage. Something
with the level of detail of 1.8 format would be great.

My argus 1.8 logs are about 80 - 100MB per day and the 2.0.x logs are
between 500 and 800MB. (been through ragator | gzip -9).

At the moment I am using by 1.8 argus for long term archiving but I
would like to shut that down now.

Russell Fulton, Computer and Network Security Officer
The University of Auckland,  New Zealand

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