New ra output docs

wozz+argus at wozz+argus at
Mon Apr 22 16:55:01 EDT 2002

I've updated to the new 2.0.5 beta's and I'm noticing some new info in the
ra tools output that doesn't appear to be documented.  

 s        tcp  x.1179   ->    y.ssh   136      104 12120        11262       EST
 s        tcp  x.4645   ?>    y.ssh   26       20 1948         2242        FIN
 s        tcp  x.4769   ?>    y.ssh   180      155 13204        15084       FIN
 *        tcp  x.1179   ->    y.ssh   124      96 10980        10732       EST
 s        tcp  x.1179   ->    y.ssh   130      94 11676        9810        EST
 *        tcp  x.1179   ->    y.ssh   296      220 24852        92688       EST
 *        tcp  x.1179   ->    y.ssh   268      201 23304        55312       EST
 *        tcp  x.1179   ->    y.ssh   122      88 10440        9176        EST
          tcp  x.1179   ->    y.ssh   35       41 2352         7242        EST
         icmp  x       <->     z       1        1 74           74          ECO
         icmp  x       <->     z       1        1 74 i         74          ECO
 d        tcp  x.1179   ->    y.ssh   79       106 6444         13804       EST

Specifically, what are the flags at the beginning of the line? (s,*,d).  I
figure the columns after the dst are the src and dst packet and byte counts,
but I can't figure out what that first field is.

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